Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills A Holistic Approach to Sight Singing and Ear Training 3rd Edition by Kent D. Cleland


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  Resource Type: Test bank

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“Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills: A Holistic Approach to Sight Singing and Ear Training 3rd Edition” by Kent D. Cleland is a comprehensive guide that focuses on honing musicians’ abilities to listen, sing, understand, and apply the principles of music in a cohesive curriculum that includes both sight singing and ear training. By teaching students to “hear what they see, and see what they hear,” this textbook aims to develop a keen ear for music at both a technical and aesthetic level.

Key Features of the 3rd Edition:
– Revised collection of musical examples, including new excerpts from different genres and difficulty levels.
– Additional instructional material on dictation, phrase structure, cadences, lead sheet reading, and Nashville number charts.
– Updated website with a comprehensive Instructor’s Guide, sample lesson plans, extra assignments, test banks, instructional videos, and enhanced dictation exercises.

This textbook seamlessly integrates musicianship and theory in a structured manner, equipping students with the necessary skills to bring professionalism, creativity, confidence, and performance readiness into their musical education. With over 1,600 musical examples spanning various styles like classical, jazz, musical theatre, pop, and folk music, “Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills” offers a strong foundation for undergraduate music students by combining essential skills in a holistic and integrated music theory core.

Whether you are a music student looking to improve your aural skills, or an instructor seeking a comprehensive resource to aid in teaching sight singing and ear training, this textbook serves as an invaluable tool in enhancing musical proficiency and understanding.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is this book suitable for beginners in music theory?

Yes, “Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills” caters to students at various levels, offering a wide range of examples from easy to challenging to accommodate beginners as well as those with more experience.

2. Does the textbook include exercises for practice?

The book provides ample exercises, dictation tasks, and musical examples to help students practice and reinforce their aural skills and sight singing abilities.

3. How can instructors benefit from the Instructor’s Guide and online resources?

The Instructor’s Guide, sample lesson plans, supplementary assignments, test banks, and instructional videos available on the website serve as valuable tools for educators to enhance their teaching methods and provide additional support to students.


“Developing Musicianship through Aural Skills” by Kent D. Cleland is a must-have resource for anyone eager to develop a deeper understanding of music through sight singing and ear training. With its comprehensive approach, diverse musical examples, and updated instructional materials, this textbook is an essential companion for both music students and instructors seeking to enhance their musicianship skills. Invest in this book to unlock the full potential of your musical abilities and embark on a rewarding journey of musical growth and proficiency.

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