Fundamental Mass Transfer Concepts in Engineering Applications


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The book “Fundamental Mass Transfer Concepts in Engineering Applications” is a comprehensive guide that covers the basic principles of mass transfer for undergraduate and graduate students in various engineering disciplines. Authored by Professor Ismail Tosun, this textbook provides foundational material and enhances students’ mathematical skills to tackle a range of engineering problems confidently. It delves into mass transfer in binary and multicomponent systems, utilizing Mathcad® for problem-solving. The book is designed for a one-semester course and is a valuable resource for students and instructors alike.

## Key Features:
– The concepts are explained clearly in simple and sophisticated language.
– Presents theory followed by practical, fully-worked example problems.
– Includes a summary of the mathematics required for mass transfer calculations in an appendix.
– Provides ancillary Mathcad® subroutines.
– Contains end-of-chapter problems and a solutions manual for adopting instructors.

Professor Ismail Tosun, the author, brings years of academic experience and expertise in the field of chemical engineering. With degrees from renowned institutions and a robust research background, Tosun’s dedication to education and his contributions to the field are reflected in this comprehensive textbook.

For students and professionals looking to enhance their understanding of mass transfer concepts in engineering applications, this book serves as a valuable reference and learning tool.

## FAQ

### Who is the author of the book “Fundamental Mass Transfer Concepts in Engineering Applications”?
The author of the book is Professor Ismail Tosun, an experienced academic in the field of chemical engineering.

### Is this book suitable for undergraduate or graduate students?
Yes, this book is designed to cater to both undergraduate and graduate students in various engineering disciplines.

### Does the book provide practical examples along with theory?
Yes, the book includes practical, fully-worked example problems to reinforce theoretical concepts.

### What software is used for problem-solving in the book?
The book integrates the use of Mathcad® for solving engineering problems related to mass transfer.

## Conclusion

In conclusion, “Fundamental Mass Transfer Concepts in Engineering Applications” is a valuable resource for students and instructors aiming to grasp the fundamental principles of mass transfer in engineering. With a focus on clarity, practical examples, and supplementary materials, this textbook equips learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle challenging engineering problems with confidence. Professor Ismail Tosun’s expertise and dedication to education shine through in this comprehensive guide, making it a must-have for those looking to deepen their understanding of mass transfer concepts.


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