Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals, Second Edition Thomas E. McClure


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For those aspiring to pursue a career in the legal field, having a solid understanding of criminal law and procedure is crucial. The book Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals, written by Thomas E. McClure, serves as an indispensable resource for students and professionals alike. Let’s delve into the key features and updates of the second edition of this comprehensive guide.

Key Highlights of the Second Edition

  • Expanded Coverage: The new edition delves deeper into Legal Defenses before Discovery and Disclosure, providing a more realistic portrayal of legal practice.
  • Updated Content: The book now includes extensive coverage of cases involving driving under the influence, police use of excessive force, sexual offenses, and diversion programs offered by specialized courts.
  • New Chapter: Chapter 15 focuses on Related Proceedings, encompassing Collateral Remedies, Clemency, Removing and Restricting Access to Criminal Records, Recovery of Seized Assets, and Challenging Summary Suspensions of Driver’s Licenses.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Revisions have been made to ensure the text is even more student-friendly, with clear learning objectives in each chapter and refined discussions of key concepts.
  • Revised Title: The title of the book has been updated to better align with its content, making it easier for readers to grasp the focus of the text.

Benefits for Professors and Students

  • Structured Organization: The book follows a logical three-part structure, covering Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure from the commission of the offense to plea bargaining, and Criminal Procedure focusing on trials and their aftermath.
  • Role Emphasis: Emphasizing the roles of paralegals, attorneys, and law enforcement in criminal cases provides a comprehensive understanding of the legal process.
  • Case Studies: Five hypothetical cases are interwoven throughout the text, facilitating discussions, research exercises, and skill-building opportunities for students.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From white-collar crimes to street crimes, the book explores both state and federal perspectives, offering a well-rounded view of the legal landscape.
  • Rich Resources: Including excerpts from statutes, court opinions, investigative reports, and pleadings enrich the learning experience for readers.
  • Effective Pedagogy: The book includes discussion questions, practical exercises, definitions within the text, and end-of-chapter review questions to reinforce learning.
  • Realistic Assignments: Assignments mirror the tasks that paralegals would undertake in a prosecutor or defense counsel’s office, providing practical insights into legal practice.


1. Is this book suitable for beginners in the field of criminal law?

Yes, the book is designed to cater to students and professionals at various levels, offering a comprehensive overview of criminal law and procedure.

2. Are the hypothetical cases in the book based on real-life scenarios?

While the cases are hypothetical, they are crafted to closely resemble real-world situations, enhancing the practical application of the concepts discussed.

3. How can professors integrate this book into their curriculum?

Professors can use the structured organization, case studies, and practical assignments in the book to enhance classroom discussions, engage students, and reinforce learning outcomes.


The Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals, authored by Thomas E. McClure, offers a comprehensive and practical approach to understanding the complexities of criminal law. With its updated content, emphasis on real-world application, and rich pedagogical features, this book is an invaluable resource for individuals embarking on a journey in the legal field.

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