Fundamentals of Ethics 4th Edition Russ Shafer-Landau


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Fundamentals of Ethics 4e Russ Shafer-Landau

The Fundamentals of Ethics, Fourth Edition by Russ Shafer-Landau is a comprehensive resource that delves into essential concepts of ethical philosophy. Shafer-Landau’s engaging writing style makes this book an ideal introduction for students to the principles of ethics. Going beyond the basics, this edition covers a wide range of topics including the good life, normative ethics, and metaethics.

Key Details:

  1. ISBN-10: 9780190631390
  2. ISBN-13: 978-0190631390
  3. Edition: Fourth Edition

In this edition, Shafer-Landau navigates through complex philosophical arguments in a manner that is accessible to students at all levels. From the doctrine of doing and allowing to ethical particularism, readers will explore a wide array of ethical theories. The book also delves into topics often overlooked in other texts, such as the will-satisfaction theory of well-being, moral error theory, and Ross’s theory of prima facie duties.

Ideal for introductory ethics courses and discussions on contemporary moral issues, this book can be used as a standalone text or in conjunction with Shafer-Landau’s companion reader, The Moral Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Issues, Fourth Edition.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Who is the author of the book?

The author of The Fundamentals of Ethics, Fourth Edition is Russ Shafer-Landau.

2. What topics are covered in the book?

The book covers a wide range of topics including the good life, normative ethics, metaethics, ethical doctrines, theories of well-being, moral error theory, and Ross’s theory of prima facie duties.

3. Is this book suitable for students without a prior philosophical background?

Yes, the book is written in a way that is understandable and engaging for students with no prior philosophical knowledge.


The Fundamentals of Ethics, Fourth Edition by Russ Shafer-Landau is a valuable resource for students and enthusiasts of ethical philosophy. With its comprehensive coverage of essential ethical concepts and engaging writing style, this book serves as an excellent introduction to the intricate world of ethics. Whether used independently or alongside companion readings, this edition is sure to enhance the understanding and appreciation of ethical theories and principles.

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