International Business Law and the Legal Environment A Transactional Approach 4th Edition by Larry A. DiMatteo


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“International Business Law and the Legal Environment: A Transactional Approach” by Larry A. DiMatteo is a comprehensive resource for business and law students seeking a deep understanding of the legal principles governing international business transactions. The fourth edition of this book goes beyond mere compliance, focusing on leveraging legal frameworks to create value and competitive advantages in the global marketplace.

Key Features of the Fourth Edition:

1. Updated Coverage: The latest edition includes discussions on emerging technologies like smart contracts, digital platforms, and blockchain, enabling students to grasp the impact of these advancements on international business practices.

2. Sustainability Emphasis: Addressing contemporary issues, the book delves into topics such as businesses and sustainability, climate change, and strategies for fostering a circular economy.

3. Legal Frameworks: It offers a detailed examination of UNIDROIT Principles, a review of INCOTERMS 2020, and an expanded coverage of common carrier agreements like CMI trucking and CMR railway conventions.

4. Global Perspective: With a broad international outlook, the book incorporates a wide range of national and international legal materials, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the global legal landscape.

5. EU Law Focus: The updated edition includes in-depth coverage of EU substantive law, enhancing students’ understanding of the legal frameworks within the European Union.


Q: Is this book suitable for business and law students?
A: Yes, the book is tailored to meet the needs of both business and law students, offering a practical approach to understanding international business law.

Q: Does the book cover emerging technologies in international business?
A: Yes, the fourth edition includes discussions on new technologies such as smart contracts, blockchain, and digital platforms.

Q: Is there a focus on sustainability in the book?
A: Absolutely, the book addresses contemporary issues related to sustainability, climate change, and promoting a circular economy in the context of international business.

In conclusion, “International Business Law and the Legal Environment: A Transactional Approach” equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex legal landscape of international business transactions. With its practical insights and real-world applications, this book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone looking to excel in the field of global business law.

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