Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, A 13th Edition Rick Billstein


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### A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, 13th Edition by Rick Billstein

“A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers” by Rick Billstein is a comprehensive guide designed to help elementary school teachers enhance their mathematics teaching skills. The 13th edition of this book focuses on a concept-rich, skill-based approach to educating teachers about elementary math concepts.

#### Key Features:
– **Concept-Rich Approach**: The book emphasizes a concept-rich methodology to prepare elementary teachers to excel in teaching mathematics.
– **Professional Development**: It includes expert development options and discussions on current educational standards, providing a valuable resource for future teachers.
– **Revision**: The 13th edition is revised to better equip students for their own classrooms, offering various teaching approaches and fostering collaboration among students and instructors.
– **MyLabTM Math**: The accompanying MyLab Math course has been extensively updated with new resources and features to enhance the learning experience.

#### Content Highlights:
– **Common Core Standards**: The book integrates Common Core Standards to emphasize key concepts.
– **NCTM Publications**: It reflects publications by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) to ensure alignment with current educational guidelines and standards.

#### Availability:
– **MyLab Math Integration**: The book can be bundled with MyLab Math for a personalized learning experience with digital tools and a flexible platform.
– **Standalone Purchase**: Note that MyLab Math is not included with the book, so students interested in the bundle should consult their instructors for the correct ISBN and Course ID.

For educators seeking a comprehensive resource to enhance their mathematics teaching skills, “A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, 13th Edition” is a valuable asset.

### FAQ

#### 1. Can I purchase the book bundled with MyLab Math?
While MyLab Math is available with the book, it is not included in the standalone purchase. Please consult your instructor for the appropriate bundle information.

#### 2. How does the book incorporate National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) publications?
The book aligns with NCTM publications such as “Principles and Standards for School Mathematics” (2000) and “Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics” (2018) to ensure relevance to current educational standards.

#### 3. Are the Common Core Standards emphasized in the book?
Yes, the book integrates Common Core Standards to highlight essential concepts and align with educational requirements.

### Conclusion

“A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, 13th Edition” by Rick Billstein offers a comprehensive and skill-based approach to preparing elementary teachers for effective math instruction. With updated content, expert development options, and alignment with educational standards, this book serves as a valuable resource for educators striving to enhance their mathematics teaching skills. For a concept-rich and collaborative learning experience, this edition provides a solid foundation for future teachers in elementary math education.

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