Strategic Operations Management, 4th Edition (9781138566132)x


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Strategic Operations Management is crucial for the success of any organization in today’s competitive landscape. The 4th edition of the book titled “Strategic Operations Management” sheds light on the importance of having world-class operations management practices in place in organizations. In the past, the concepts of “strategy” and “operations” were seen as separate entities, but in today’s environment, they are intricately linked to ensure organizations can meet and exceed customer expectations.

This new edition emphasizes the significance of strategic operations across both manufacturing and service sectors. It delves into the various changes occurring in the business world, such as advancements like 3-D printing, digital organizations, Cloud computing, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT), servitization, global markets, continuous innovation, and managing complex supply networks. The book incorporates case studies from diverse global settings to provide a comprehensive understanding of strategic operations management.

For students pursuing MBA, MSc, and MBM courses in operations management, advanced operations management, and strategic operations management, this textbook serves as a valuable resource to meet their academic requirements. Additionally, undergraduate courses focusing on these areas can also benefit from the insights provided in this book.

Key Highlights of the Book:

  • Comprehensive coverage of strategic operations management principles and practices
  • Inclusion of case studies from various industries and global contexts
  • Discussion on emerging trends like digitalization, globalization, and innovation
  • Emphasis on the importance of quality, speed, flexibility, and innovation in operations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Strategic Operations Management?

Strategic Operations Management involves the design and management of processes to ensure the efficient production of goods and services that align with the organization’s overall strategy and objectives.

2. Who can benefit from reading this book?

Students enrolled in MBA, MSc, MBM, and undergraduate courses focusing on operations management, advanced operations management, and strategic operations management can benefit from the insights offered in this book.

3. Are real-world examples included in the book?

Yes, the book incorporates case studies from diverse industries and global settings to provide practical insights into strategic operations management practices.


In conclusion, “Strategic Operations Management, 4th Edition” is a comprehensive resource that highlights the critical role of strategic operations in today’s competitive business environment. By exploring key concepts, emerging trends, and real-world case studies, this book equips students and professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of operations management.

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