Strategic Sport Marketing, 5th Eidtion (9781760878801)x


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Strategic Sport Marketing, 5th Edition, is a valuable resource that integrates sport marketing frameworks, theory, and practical cases to help students and professionals develop and execute successful sport marketing strategies. The book explores contemporary sport markets, consumer behavior, marketing strategies, and best practices in a clear, comprehensive, and engaging manner.

Aligned with modern sport marketing applications, the fifth edition of Strategic Sport Marketing conceptualizes sport as part of the experience economy, integrating technology and digitalization themes. It emphasizes the increasing focus on data and digital communication in the delivery of sports media and content.

Featuring a diverse set of case studies, “sport views,” and examples from national and international sports and events, including Australian Rules football, European soccer, Russian hockey, Grand Slam tennis, and the NBA, this edition encourages critical and practical thinking to enhance real-world professional practice.

Key highlights of the book include:

  • Insights into strategic decision-making in sport marketing
  • Discussion on consumer behavior and market trends
  • Integration of technology and digital communication in sport marketing
  • Practical application through case studies and examples

Whether you are a student of sport marketing and management or a practitioner in the field, Strategic Sport Marketing serves as an essential course text and a valuable reference for those involved in the marketing, promotion, or communication of sport organizations or brands.

Additional Resources

For educators and learners, supplementary teaching and learning materials are available to accompany the book. These resources include slides, class outlines, reflective questions, and answers for each chapter, enhancing the educational experience and facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Who can benefit from reading Strategic Sport Marketing?

Students of sport marketing and management, as well as professionals engaged in marketing, promotion, or communication within the sports industry, can benefit from the insights and practical applications presented in the book.

What sets the 5th edition of Strategic Sport Marketing apart from previous editions?

The fifth edition aligns with contemporary sport marketing trends, emphasizing the role of technology, data, and digital communication in modern sports marketing practices. It offers updated case studies and examples to reflect current market dynamics.

Are there additional resources available to complement the book?

Yes, educators and learners can access supplementary teaching materials such as slides, class outlines, and reflective questions with answers for each chapter to enhance the learning experience.


Strategic Sport Marketing, 5th Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of sport marketing strategies, frameworks, and practical applications in today’s ever-evolving sports industry. By incorporating contemporary trends and real-world examples, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in sport marketing and management roles.

Whether you are a student looking to deepen your understanding of sport marketing or a professional seeking to enhance your marketing practices within the sports sector, Strategic Sport Marketing serves as an essential guide for navigating the dynamic landscape of sports marketing.

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