Abnormal Psychology The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders, 15th Edition by Ann M. Kring, Sheri L. Johnson Test Bank


  Format: Downloadable ZIP File

  Resource Type: Test bank

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The 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders” by Ann M. Kring and Sheri L. Johnson offers a comprehensive test bank for students and instructors. This edition focuses on the integration of research and clinical application to provide a deeper understanding of psychological disorders. By exploring the root causes of psychopathologies and the most effective treatments from various perspectives, the book helps readers grasp the complexity of mental health issues.

ISBN-10: 1119705479
ISBN-13: 978-1119705475

The key features of this edition include an integrated approach that highlights the importance of biological, cognitive, behavioral, and socioemotional factors in understanding psychological disorders. By examining these disorders from different angles, the book provides a holistic view that is essential for clinicians and scientists in their day-to-day practice.

Whether you are a student looking to deepen your knowledge of abnormal psychology or an instructor seeking valuable resources for your course, the 15th edition test bank is a valuable tool to enhance learning and teaching in this field.

For those interested in delving into the study of abnormal psychology, this test bank serves as a valuable resource for exploring the complexities of psychological disorders and their treatment approaches. With a focus on research-backed insights and practical applications, this edition offers a rich learning experience for readers.

### FAQ

#### 1. How can I access the test bank for the 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology”?
You can purchase the test bank for the 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders” by Ann M. Kring and Sheri L. Johnson online through various bookstores or academic resources.

#### 2. What makes the 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology” unique?
The 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology” stands out for its integrated approach that explores psychological disorders from multiple perspectives, emphasizing biological, cognitive, behavioral, and socioemotional factors to provide a comprehensive understanding of mental health issues.

#### 3. Who can benefit from using the test bank for the 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology”?
Students studying abnormal psychology and instructors teaching courses in this field can benefit from utilizing the test bank for the 15th edition. It offers valuable insights, research-based content, and practical applications to enhance learning and teaching experiences.

In conclusion, the 15th edition of “Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders” offers a rich exploration of psychological disorders and their treatment approaches. With a focus on research and clinical application, this edition provides a valuable resource for students and instructors in the field of abnormal psychology.

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