Emotion 3rd edition Shiota Kalat – Test Bank


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Emotions play a crucial role in our daily lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and overall well-being. The third edition of Emotion by Shiota and Kalat offers a comprehensive exploration of the field of affective science, delving into the major theories of emotion and incorporating both traditional and cutting-edge research on emotional processes across various subdisciplines.

The authors of the book engage with ongoing debates, conflicting findings, methodological challenges, and replication issues, encouraging readers to think critically about the complexities of emotions. Despite its rigorous approach, the text is designed to be accessible to students, with a light and engaging tone, real-world examples, and a logical structure that guides readers through the nuanced world of emotions.

Key Details about the Book:

  • ISBN-10: 0190635517
  • ISBN-13: 978-0190635510

About the Authors

Michelle “Lani” Shiota: Associate Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, with research published in esteemed journals such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, American Psychologist, and Emotion.

James Kalat: Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University and a renowned author known for works such as Introduction to Psychology (2017) and Biological Psychology (2016).


Q: What topics are covered in the book Emotion 3rd Edition?

A: The book covers major theories of emotion, contemporary research on emotional processes, and explores questions related to the significance of emotions in our lives, emotional well-being, and their impact on human behavior.

Q: Is the content suitable for undergraduate students?

A: Yes, the book is designed to be student-friendly, with a balance of academic rigor and engaging writing style that caters to the needs of undergraduate readers.

Q: How does the book encourage critical thinking about emotions?

A: The authors address controversies, contradictory findings, and methodological constraints within the field, prompting readers to analyze and evaluate different perspectives on emotions.


The third edition of Emotion by Shiota and Kalat offers a valuable resource for individuals interested in understanding the complexities of emotions. With a blend of theoretical insights and empirical research, the book challenges readers to delve deeper into the realm of affective science, fostering a deeper appreciation for the role emotions play in shaping our lives.

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