Ethics for the Information Age 7th Edition by Michael J. Quinn – Test Bank


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Ethics for the Information Age 7th Edition by Michael J. Quinn is a valuable resource for individuals looking to explore the social and moral considerations in the information age. This edition delves into the impact of new technologies on our lives, emphasizing the importance of approaching technology with a thoughtful and ethical mindset. Quinn’s unbiased approach to presenting technological issues helps readers form their own conclusions on ethical questions.

  • ISBN-10: 9780134296548
  • ISBN-13: 978-0134296548

The New Regular: Evaluating Social and Moral Considerations in the Information Age

The rapid advancement of technology has brought numerous benefits, along with social and ethical dilemmas. The authors of Ethics for the Information Age stress the need for a thoughtful approach to new technologies, considering not only their immediate advantages but also their long-term implications on society. To effectively navigate the challenges posed by information technology, a solid understanding of its history, awareness of current issues, and knowledge of ethics are essential.

In the Seventh Edition, Quinn offers a balanced perspective on how technology solves existing problems while also creating new ones. By integrating IT history into the discussion, this edition remains relevant and serves as a comprehensive reference for those interested in computer ethics.


1. Who is the author of Ethics for the Information Age 7th Edition?

The author of Ethics for the Information Age 7th Edition is Michael J. Quinn.

2. What are the ISBN numbers for this edition?

The ISBN-10 is 9780134296548 and the ISBN-13 is 978-0134296548.

3. What is the main focus of the book?

The book delves into the social and moral considerations surrounding information technology, emphasizing the need for a thoughtful and ethical approach to new technologies.


Ethics for the Information Age 7th Edition provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications of information technology. By exploring both the benefits and challenges posed by new technologies, the book encourages individuals to think critically about the impact of technology on society. Whether used as a standalone reference or as a supplementary guide for computer ethics courses, this edition offers valuable insights into navigating the ethical complexities of the information age.

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