The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition Gerald R. Ferrera, Mystica M. Alexander ISBN: 9781543800937-Test Bank


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The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition by Gerald R. Ferrera and Mystica M. Alexander focuses on the integration of ethics within the business environment. The book prepares students to navigate the complexities of industry norms, practices, and legislation by emphasizing ethical considerations throughout. This comprehensive approach intertwines ethical theory with practical applications, utilizing innovative pedagogical tools to foster critical thinking and emphasize the intersection of ethics and law. The book also addresses the challenges posed by the evolving international business landscape, offering extensive coverage of pertinent international business law topics.

Key Features:

  • Pragmatic discussion of the legal implications of expanding a U.S. business internationally
  • Thorough coverage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with contextual insights on corruption’s impact and practical examples
  • Clear explanation of financing international business transactions, including debtor-creditor issues and the Letter of Credit process

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can this book be helpful in understanding the ethical considerations in the business environment?

Yes, the book provides a comprehensive integration of ethics within the legal and business environment, offering a deeper understanding of ethical implications in various business scenarios.

2. Is the book suitable for students aiming to work in the international business arena?

Absolutely, the book covers essential international business law topics, making it relevant and beneficial for students preparing to engage in the global business landscape.

3. How does the book address the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

The book offers thorough coverage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, including explanations of the law, its societal and business implications, and practical examples to enhance understanding.


The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition by Gerald R. Ferrera and Mystica M. Alexander offers a holistic perspective on ethics, law, and international business practices. With its practical approach and comprehensive coverage of key topics, this book serves as a valuable resource for students aspiring to navigate the intricacies of today’s business environment.

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